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The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Hougen Symposium 2012

Olaf Andreas HougenOLAF ANDREAS
HOUGEN (1893–1986)

former Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, was one of the outstanding original contributors to the science and practice of modern chemical engineering. He is remembered for his inspired teaching, his leadership in engineering education and research, and his volunteer work in retirement for the university and the profession. It is in his honor that this symposium is named.

In his research activities, Professor Hougen developed important original and fundamental principles for the mainstream of modern chemical engineering: heat transfer, gas adsorption, thermodynamics, catalysis, applied kinetics, and process design. In his teaching, Professor Hougen's warmth of personality and sincere interest in each student's future were a source of inspiration to chemical engineers around the world. He instilled in his students a sense of responsibility to their profession and to society. Professor Hougen's influence on chemical engineering education in the United States and abroad was achieved through his numerous publications, many of which established patterns for chemical engineering teaching and research. He was the author or coauthor of seven books and 156 papers.

His many honors included five awards from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, the Esso Award of the American Chemical Society, and the Lamme Gold Medal Award of the American Society for Engineering Education. From 1961 through 1963, he served as a scientific attaché at the American Embassy, Stockholm, Sweden, and in 1974 was elected to the National Academy of Engineering.

THE OLAF A. HOUGEN SYMPOSIUM is supported by the Hougen Professorship Fund of the University of Wisconsin Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. Colleagues and former students of Professor Hougen, other friends and corporations have contributed to the fund to honor one of the founders of the modern chemical engineering profession. Professor Hougen believed that leading research departments have an obligation to provide leadership to their professions through activities that strengthen the crucial link between the generation and dissemination of new knowledge. It is in this spirit that we continue this symposium series by inviting distinguished colleagues to present public lectures on a topic of current interest and importance to the profession and to society generally.

Jennifer L Reed

Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Tools for In silico Design of
Microbial Biocatalysts

Genome-scale networks of metabolism and regulation can be reconstructed from an organism's genome annotation. Models generated from these reconstructions can be used to integrate and analyze different types of experimental data in order to generate hypotheses about biochemical network structure, interactions between organisms and their environments, and responses to genetic and environmental perturbations. Once models are developed, computational tools can be applied to design microbial strains with enhanced chemical production. We have recently developed new methods for proposing metabolic engineering strategies based on metabolic and regulatory model predictions. These strategies can involve transcription factor and metabolic gene deletions, as well as enzyme over expression. Using these approaches we have identified genetic strategies for improving production of a variety of biochemicals in E. coli including ethanol, isobutanol, succinate, and glutamate.

Jennie received her B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Bioengineering: Biotechnology at the University of California, San Diego under the supervision of Bernhard Palsson. Her Ph.D. work focused on the analysis of metabolism in E. coli, and combined both computational and experimental work. After receiving her Ph.D. she stayed at UCSD for two years as a faculty fellow, a University of California program that provides new Ph.D.s with mentored training and experience in the design and conduct of instructional courses and research. As part of this program, she taught classes and conducted research in the Bioengineering department at UCSD. In 2007, Jennie joined the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she is currently an Assistant Professor. Her research interests involve the integration of computational and experimental approaches for studying microbial metabolism and regulation. Her group is currently working on developing new computational tools for metabolic engineering and experimental design applications and applying them in the lab. Jennie is a project leader in the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center and was recognized with a NSF Career in 2011.

Please see Dr. Reed's website here.

Schedule of Events

Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Lectures in room 1610 Engineering Hall

9:00-9:45 am
Gregory Stephanopoulos
Metabolic Engineering: synthetic chemistry of the 21st century

9:45-10:30 am
Huimin Zhao, UIUC
Synthetic Biology: Putting Synthesis into Biology

10:30 -11:00 am Break

11-11:45 am
James Liao,
University of California, Los Angeles
A Tale of Two Butanols: Exploring Metabolism for Fuels and Chemicals

11:45-1:30 pm Lunch
(on your own)

1:30-2:15 pm
Chaitan Khosla
Assembly Line Biosynthesis of Polyketide Antibiotics

2:15-2:45 pm
Brian Pfleger
Integrating Systems and Synthetic Biology for Engineering Chemical Production in Bacteria

2:45-3:15 pm
Jennifer Reed
Tools for In silico Design of Microbial Biocatalysts

3:15-5:00 pm
Poster Session
Engineering Hall Lobby